Air rules the nervous and circulatory systems and the function of movement, peristalsis, urination and breathing. Air people are easily stimulated, with quick and extremely sensitive minds that are easily thrown off balance and overwhelmed.

The cell salt for Gemini is potassium chloride, which builds fibrin in the blood, organs, and tissues of the body.


Gemini Rules : the shoulders, arms, hands, and lungs.

Health Habits : Gemini's are vulnerable to upper respiratory infections, bronchitis, and asthma. Gemini also rules the nerves, so natives of this sign are often excitable and high-strung. The planet Mercury, which rules Gemini, has always been associated with respiration, the brain, and the entire nervous system. It also governs the delicate links between the mind and the different parts of the body, so with Gemini people the state of mind has a great deal to do with the state of their health. Anxiety and nervousness literally can make them sick. 

Eat : A deficiency of this mineral can lead to clots in the blood and circulatory problems. Potassium chloride also keeps the lungs and bronchial tubes unclogged. Foods high in this mineral are asparagus, green beans, tomatoes, celery, carrots, spinach, oranges, peaches, plums, apricots, and wild rice. Healthy nerve foods for Gemini include grapefruit, almonds, broiled fish and shellfish, grapejuice, apples & raisins. Lettuce and cauliflower help to combat bronchitis.

Geminis need calcium to keep their bones healthy; cottage cheese is an excellent source. Many Geminis cannot tolerate large amounts of food at one time; eating four mini-meals a day can be beneficial to your health.

Don't Eat : Coffee and stimulants make matters worse and should be avoided. Herbal teas have a calming effect. Gemini people are inclined to eat on the run and are notorious junk food addicts. To keep up their energy and high spirits, they must have a proper diet.